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Stellenbosch Forum Lecture: What Does it Mean to be Human in the Aftermath of Historical Trauma?
Stellenbosch Forum Lecture: The greatest global health threat of the 21st century (Prof Bob Mash)
Stellenbosch Forum Lecture: Making the Invisible Visible: Rethinking Reflexivity in Research.
Pumla-Gobodo Madikizela
ENGAGE|DISENGAGE Inter-generational Conversations about Apartheid Trauma (Wednesday, 25 /11/2020)
Stellenbosch Forum Lecture: In search of an effective curriculum for SA (Prof Michael le Cordeur)
Inaugural Lecture (2023): Prof Portia Jordan
Judgment Date with Judge Dennis Davis, Episode 39: Professor Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
School Leadership Forum (Cape Town): Impact of Trauma - Claudia Burger
Kopano Ratele | The World Looks Like This From Here: Thoughts on African Psychology
Webinar 3 Global Health Actors an African perspective
Inaugural Lecture (2023): Prof Elmi Muller